That's right parents. This is my job. YouTube pays my bills and I've gotten the opportunity to travel the world and meet so many interesting and creative people through it!
"But how do you make money?" well it's simple, those adverts you always skip, we get paid a little for each one. It's like television when you watch your soap operas.

I currently run and maintain 3 channels on YouTube
This is my 'main' channel where the bulk of my subscribers reside. Currently its main focus is weekly guide videos for challenges that appear in Fortnite Battle Royale and once each season has elapsed I create a musical summary (yes, a rap track) of the last 10 week's events.
A dedicated channel for all none-Fortnite content, but mostly Minecraft. Numerous SMPs like Rats, New Life, Pirates and the much beloved "Traffic SMP" series with numerous Hermitcraft and Empires members featuring!
This channel archives the majority of broadcasts that I do over on Twitch. Not limited to any one game and hours upon hours of content, this may be the one for you.
Ironcially, this channel homes some of my longest videos. Originally (and still sometimes) intended for shorter clips and vertical format content. It now has a plethora of reaction content and videos that don't quite fit on any of the other channels above.